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How Do High Temperatures Impact My Solar Power System?

As the summer continues to bring us high temperatures, you might wonder how these extreme conditions can potentially impact residential or commercial solar power systems.

Solar energy is an excellent renewable energy source due to its environmental benefits and the cost savings it offers. However, it’s important to understand the effects that high temperatures can have on the performance and functionality of solar systems. 

How do high temperatures impact solar panels, and what are some essential considerations when using solar in extreme heat?

Impact #1: Heat Can Impact the Performance of Solar Panels

Solar panels typically experience decreased efficiency in higher temperatures. This is due to a phenomenon known as the temperature coefficient.

Temperature coefficient refers to the percentage decrease in panel efficiency for every degree increase in temperature above a specific threshold. While higher temperatures can lower the efficiency of solar systems, every panel is different.

For example, Milestone Solar installs REC panels, which have one of the best temperature coefficient ratings of any panel on the market. This means they are designed to maintain better performance even in hot weather conditions.

Impact #2: High Temperatures Can Cause Grid Outages

In addition to its impact on panel efficiency, high temperatures can lead to grid outages. During periods of extreme heat, the strain on the electrical grid can cause blackouts, leaving people without air conditioning in stifling temperatures.

This is where solar battery backup systems can prove invaluable, especially for individuals who rely on medical devices or are susceptible to health complications from the heat.

These battery storage systems allow homeowners and business owners to store excess solar energy their system generates. They can then use this power as needed, so their solar systems provide a reliable and continuous energy supply even during grid outages.

Impact #3: Ensuring Proper Ventilation for Battery Backup Systems

When installing battery backup systems or inverters, it’s crucial to ensure proper ventilation. 

Heat can negatively affect the performance and lifespan of solar batteries. Ensuring adequate ventilation in the area where the inverter and batteries are installed helps dissipate heat and maintain optimal functionality, even in higher temperatures.

Proper airflow and cooling mechanisms, such as fans or vents, can prevent overheating and extend the lifespan of these critical components for reliable power storage and use.

Impact #4: Solar Helps Offset the Cost of High Utility Bills in the Summer Heat

Extreme heat can result in significantly higher utility bills. As temperatures rise, air conditioning usage increases, leading to greater energy consumption and increased demand on the electrical grid.

By using solar power, property owners can offset some or potentially all of these costs by generating their own electricity. Solar systems not only reduce reliance on traditional power sources but also help lower utility bills.

With proper planning, solar power can be an effective and sustainable solution to mitigate the financial impact of rising temperatures during the warmer months.

Get an Estimate for Your Residential or Commercial Solar Power System With Milestone Solar

Are you ready to beat the summer heat, reduce reliance on the grid, and save money on your energy bills with the right solar system? Contact Milestone Solar today to schedule a free consultation and estimate for your solar and battery backup system!